Tuesday, April 22, 2014


We returned to Alberta in plenty of time for Ted to do all the taxes and get in shape for his surgery today. He has lost about 20lbs and feeling better to undertake the grueling physio required in getting the knee back to working order.
  He will be way up NE in the Peter Lougheed Hospital which is where the ortho surgeons from his clinic all operate. So I will get used to driving across the city for a few days and hope 3 nights in hospital will be enough. 
  This morning, before the crack of dawn (a time we are not familiar with..) we were up and heading north on the Deerfoot in the dark, as admitting opens at 6am. By 7:30 he was all suited up, line in, and both surgeon and aneastheologist had visited. They determined he would have an epidural, rather than regular anesthetic, as recovery is usually far better. He's been off the rat poison (blood thinner) for nearly a week, injecting a substitute for the last 4 days, so his INR (indication of thinness of blood) is 1 and they are happy to do the epidural.
  So I will return later to see how the patiet has fared, take him a pair of crutches and no doubt he will be up and walking this evening.

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