Tuesday, April 22, 2014


On our return to the Six Mile Swamp, what a difference! Spring had arrived, the cedar trees were in full leaf, flowers were blooming, baby alligators were sunning on logs, the rarer green heron (actually several colors) was lying in wait for the tiny critters stirring everywhere. I spotted a dangerous moccasin snake curled up peacefully on a log. But sadly it was time to head north again.

  Florida is definitely being loved to death, with very crowded beaches full of beached whales, coated in oil and about the color our the turtles! No sign of skin cancer fear here. It was spring break so beaches, malls, etc. were swimming with people. Even our return to the idyllic Sanibel and Captiva Islands was a huge shock. But we did find by driving off the beaten path some lovely wildlife areas preserved by far-seeing planners.

1 comment:

Kiwi said...

I love that comment..'Florida is being loved to death'. Unfortunately the same goes for a lot of beautiful beaches around the world.