Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 2010 Reconstruction continues..

After 6 months, ready for new nipple - or so I thought. Instead April 26th I had another 1.5 hours of surgery with micro plastic surgeon Dr. Wim DeHaas assisted by orthopedic surgeon! He removed hard fatty tissue from side of new breast. Used same incision so hardly notice it at all, except lump is gone. Biopsied, it was simply fatty tissue. He cleaned up port removal incision and lump on upper chest (easy) then moved right nipple up 2cm (not so easy.) It was an interesting surgery, he cut around nipple and removed a disk of skin, then sewed circle back smaller. Like two concentric circles, hard to describe. Very uninvasive but painful for about two days. All stitches dissolved within 3 weeks.
Now we wait 3 months for left breast to stabilize then he will decorate right breast with new nipple, exactly matched to left one. What a perfectionist!

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