Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lymphedema - chronic result of BC

One of the insidious results of lymph node removal in BC treatment is lymphedema. It can be managed but not cured. It results (not well understood) from overload of the system when axillary lymph nodes are removed. In my case 12 nodes, all riddled with cancer. Fortunately I was early diagnosed and had treatment at the free standing private clinic, with 10 (can be extended) treatment costs covered by Alberta Cancer Board. Later Alberta established its own clinic, devoted to secondary lymphedema as a result of breast cancer. We have two very accomplished therapists (mine is Hahn) who can evaluate, prescribe pressure garments and perform lymphatic massage. It's still expensive, each 30-40lb pressure armband is about $90, half paid for by Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL). Night sleeve cost about $300 but wasn't covered then. I get a prescription for two years, three sleeves a year, which is more than adequate. One-stop shopping eliminates the need to get AADL sign off. We have achieved a reduction from 16% down to 5% differential between the left (normal) and right arm in one year. I should wear the sleeve for a few hours each day, and especially when exercising. I also have a pressure bra to work on the lymph system during exercise - $100 with no funding.
Alberta does not currrently fund all lymphedema treatment, which is ridiculous. A prominent Mayo Clininc doc was in Calgary this Monday to present a seminar on lymphedema. Some really interesting data. Sufferers have a 37% higher risk of cellulitis, an inflammation and often infection of soft tissue, which can lead in extreme to amputation of arm or leg. So we have to be vigilant, no blood pressure taken, no pinpricks, no injuries, cuts or fungi on the affected limb.

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