Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb 25 - Treatment #15 - only 2 to go

Today I had my 15th Herceptin treatment and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am very tired today, a result of enjoying too much socializing the last week and weekend. I think I am back on track but the next day catches up on me. I can do two late nights in a row but have to have afternoon rests in between.
It was great to have our friends Deidre and Warren here last week. We caught up with 16 year old daughter Jennifer and 8 year old granddaughter Aurora (and met her dad) over lunch Saturday. Ted enjoyed his late night chats and single malt sessions, something he misses with my early nights these days. Deidre and go back 20 years or more from working days and still never run out of things to talk about.
Interesting facts: One thing they noticed was the high price of everything in Alberta compared to Ontario. Of course, there is a boom on here but also a much smaller population. The huge differential can only be attributed to "what the market will bear" forces. Also they commented on the lack of trees south of Calgary, which is semi-prairie even though it's in the foothills of the Rockies.

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