Monday, March 10, 2014


What is surprising, apart from the fact that this city is home to one of the largest art schools in the USA (evidenced by the many lovely buildings housing different parts of the college) is that Savanah has beach too!
  A mere half hour drive east is sleepy Tybee Island where turtles come to lay eggs and hatch, and home to many seabirds, dolphins and sharks. There are other more sophisticated islands easily accessible from the city too, but we decided to check this one out.
  Disappointed with the choice of eating establishments, we nevertheless found an outdoor bar there with great blue crabs (soft shell crab) and mahimahi tacos on the menu for lunch. One beach was great for families, as long as you stayed well clear of the man-made seawall protecting it from rip tides, with bird nesting reserves, some unusual gulls, and the usual pelicans. The other side was like Brighton Beach without the funfair. The school breaks are starting this week, so there are lots of kids and families on the beaches, beach volleyball nets galore, and the ever-invasive smell of burgers.

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