Sunday, November 9, 2008

Over to the out-islands...

There are lots of lovely islands off the main Vancouver Island. No wonder people out there are great sailors. We enjoyed our various ferry rides but prices have skyrocketed since our last trip 4 years ago. We drove north of Victoria, camping on the ocean at Nanaimo, then took two ferries to first Denman Island then Horby Island, to stay at Gloria's glorious cabin at the far end of Hornby. Although they had had a lot of rain, we had two good days, tide-pooling on the beach and watching the sea birds, seals, and huge California sea lions coming to round up their harems of lady seals and barking at anything that came near. They are huge, bossy buggers. Hornby has two lovely provincial parks, one of which is Tribune Bay, known as Hawaii of the north, and deserted this time of year.

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