Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sep 4 - Summer is fading fast!

We have Ted's 88-year-old mum Mary visiting from England and although we have seen a lot of sun, it's obvious from the trees along our boulevard that summer is fading fast. We will head to the mountains this weekend to see the new Joni Mitchell batte at Banff Centre and celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary. Mary is making her first trip in 3 years so enjoying being back in Calgary. We had had some nice one-day jaunts around Calgary and to nearby towns and lunches with friends. Labour Day we had richard, Raul and Elvira over for lunch. I am still good at lunches but fade fast in the evenings.
My MRI instead of mammorgram would rate slightly higher than having a root canal job done. I had a headache for two days but hopefully it's a better check than mammograms, which didn't do anything for me in the past.

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