Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Malcolm family get-togethers - The Moseleys

It was great to again spend a week with sister Mary & Ivan in west London at their Chiswick house. It's a block or two from the Thames near scenic Strand on the Green, great for walks and three good pubs. The cormorants and herons (and lots of ducks and geese) are testament to the clarity of the Thames again. After a lengthy lunch one day, we had to duck down an alley to avoid the fast tide rising over the footpath home. A day at Kew Gardens with Mary's 2.5 year old grandson Frank and Mary was a delight - hear the birds and see the spring blanket of bluebells in the video. (I guess it would not load so you will have to enjoy the photo.)
Outside Mary & Ivan's city house with Hannah and Frank - just joking - this is Chiswick House.
Below, left (Little) Hannah and James, middle: Nacho and (Big) Hannah.

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