Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan 14 - Progress

On Jan 8 I had my regular cardiac workup. It's called a MUGA test. It's needed because Herceptin has a small (4%) risk of cardiac failure. Any result over 50 is good and mine was again 67 so I am happy.
On Jan 18 I had blood tests and my 3-month appt with my oncologist. Dr. Sandy Paterson, a canny Scot with a very caring attitude. (Rumour has it he is nearing retirement so I hope he doesn't do it before my treatment is over.) All my blood levels have returned to normal before I had treatment a year ago, so I am in better shape to fight all the coughs and colds than some of the others around me! However, I don't hug visibly impaired people, i.e. snifflers, any more. Dr. P. was a bit taken aback when I told him I had skied 3 days the previous weekend. He wants me to lay off anything taxing on my heart so I assured him I wouldn't climb any big hills. I am off to Kimberley in the BC rockies this weekend to do it again for 3 days - carefully of course. It's so marvellous to be out in the mountains again.
Some radiation damage to my right lung is now apparent. Dr. P says it usually shows up around 4 months after treatment. He ran a chest Xray to be on the safe side. He can hear a slight difference between my lungs now. He says the scar tissue will remain but the lung capacity should return and the cough will go. Good to hear that.
Nurse Debbie came up with good advice for the hands. My fingernails are pulling off but growing back OK at the nail bed, results of chemo damage. The remedy to improve the nails and skin? Bag balm, a rich gooey cream for cow's udders! Udderly great idea. Smother on before bed and wear gloves. Ted wants me to put it all over.....Just kidding.

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