Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oct 14 Positively Pink Outlook

Attended a one-day workshop on BC and learned some amazing facts. A long day, but worth it. Went with friend Morag MacLellan, and Janice Thomson, also traveling a similar BC treatment route, now starting radiation. Peer support is so important to share info. Interesting research is emerging to help survivors plan our future. Alcohol is now shown to be a significant marker for breast cancer, an average of a drink per day doesn't seem to have much effect but three a day average (that's a fair bit of booze...) bumps incidence up to 30%. Also being overweight is another increase factor but exercise definitely improves our odds. Not hard to see what should be in the future plan is it? Desserts are out, more than one drink a day is out and a regular exercise program is in. Not exactly rocket science. Tai Chi and walking, here I come.
Tonight I will attend the Norseman Ski Club sign-up for weekend trips. I plan to ski the first weekend of 2008 at Lake Louise and see how I make out. I have so much support in that group, can't fail to do well.

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