I am back in intensive therapy with Karen at the Lymphodema Clinic in Calgary. It is a great service to people recovering from invasive treatment. Radiation has aggravated the lymphodema (swollen right arm/armpit/side) which I had before my surgery. Fortunately my surgeon, Dr. Robert Lui, immediately referred me to the Holy Cross clinic, which is not provincially funded, but receives funding through the Alberta Cancer Board. After an evaluation from Byron, I was supplied (my cost, no refunds from health care) with day pressure sleeves (20-30 lbs) and a night pressure sleeve which also has to be pressure bandaged. It's a bit of a hassle but it gets the swelling down.
A friend's sister in Toronto, experienced similar problems, has been told "lymphodema is a myth - it will go away." Some of these doctors need to be swung high.
Karen Van Heyst is an amazing, knowledgeable therapist who has seen everything in her time. Apart from being a gifted therapist, she is a mine of useful info, and unceasing in her desire to bring my arm back to normal, which she is doing gradually. The initial 10 visits are paid for by Alberta Cancer Board, then I'm either up for the $90 per visit personally or we have to convince the system that I still need some care. I will try for the latter until my arm is normal, or nearly normal, again.
After removal of 12 lymph nodes under my arm, my lymph system is sluggish and can't move through the incision across the right side of my body any more. Therefore it has to be trained to go elsewhere, just like with blocked veins and arteries for the blood system. Karen is also massaging and moving the arm/shoulder to get rid of the scar tissue. she also massages my whole body to train the rest of the lymph system to pick up the slack. I'm learning lots here!
In Europe, many people go for regular lymph drainage/massage as a routine health guard. What a concept!
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