Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 12 - 2nd MUGA Test

While on Herceptin I will have a MUGA cardiac test every 3 months to make sure I'm not one of the 4-5% who will get cardiac failure! So far I am acing those tests. Kudos to Didi in the MUGA test section (Nuclear Medicine) at Foothills Hospital.
First time I went to a private clinic and it took the tech 3 tries to get a vein, she blew all three and I had bruises and a painful wrist for a month.
In the test, they remove some blood, add a tracer and replace it 20 minutes later. They then put you under the Xray and video the blood pumping in and out. Mine performed perfectly - for a 60-year-old heart. After last time's problems, Didi decided to insert a needle and do everything through that one entry in my elbow vein. It meant keeping the arm perfectly still for 45 minutes, no problem. Tada - no bruises, no entries in hand or wrist, no after effects.

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