Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 22 - Chemo 5 under my belt...

Friday I had blood tests (good!) and saw my two docs. They were so concerned at my serious side effects on Taxotere (a nasty drug) that today they dropped my chemo dose 25% ,so I am hoping that will avoid repeat of the problems. My feet and hands have returned to nearly normal, delicate finger and toe nails, can't put hands in hot water and have lost the skin off both hands but the rash and itching has gone too. Sore mouth still in the background but under control with Dr. Paterson's magic mouthwash. When blisters even threaten, I go into my act rinsing several times day and it seems to work.
We spent the long weekend with Gerdy & Jacques in Edmonton, a lovely change of pace, despite cold weather, and enjoyed being spoiled rotten. Had a nice trip to the market and found provincial design yellow tablecloths to cheer my days, and home-grown herbs to start my collection. Too cold to leave anything out yet with zero degress forecast for a couple more days this week! Yerks.
Just talked to Mary, my big sis, and sad we are going to miss her big event when her daughter Hannah gets married Saturday in Barcelona. I send them all our love and warmest wishes for their big family get-together. Most are leaving London tomorrow but bride/groom/in-laws leaving Thursday. How lovely that father-in-law Ivan has composed a collection of clarinet music for the wedding and reception! I guess Aunty Liz wasn't available to play it, she will be crying into a tablecloth-sized hanky by then...

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